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RRN Letter
March 22, 2018
Brutal murder of environmental defender Luis Fernando Ayala, age 16, in Santa Bárbara Department. He was reported missing on February 19. His mutilated body was found on February 20 with his hands missing and multiple signs of torture.
News Article
March 22, 2018
"We have documented grave violations against human rights defenders, like targeted killings of social movement leaders fighting for the conservation of the environment, as well as of community leaders who organised protests," states Mario Roberto Chinchilla of the Coalition against Impunity in Honduras. At pro-democracy demonstrations, "military and police officers have been observed infiltrating...with the double purpose of stirring up violence and identifying human rights defenders and leaders," according to Andrea Bolaños of the International Platform against Impunity (Pi).
RRN Letter
March 21, 2018
We are outraged over the continued detention of human rights defender Edwin Robelo Espinal in La Tolva prison, located in Morocelí, El Paraíso Department, and the horrific conditions that exist in this military-run maximum security prison. Arrested January 19, he is one of more than 20 political prisoners being detained in prisons throughout Honduras.
RRN Letter
February 16, 2018
death threats against journalist Marco Antonio Cornel, reporting on involvement of police in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, in the disappearance and torture of six men; two found dead Jorge Arturo Vázquez Campos (age 30) and Marcos Catalán Cabrera (age 34), two remain missing Abel Aguilar García (age 18) and Efraín Patrón Ramos (age 25)
RRN Letter
February 15, 2018
attempted assassination in Bogotá of trade unionist German Espinel of the Association of Agroecological and Mining Brotherhoods of Guamocó (AHERAMIGUA) and active member of the Patriotic March Social and Political Movement
RRN Letter
February 14, 2018
murders of journalists Laurent Ángel Castillo Cifuentes, age 28, and Luis Alfredo de León Miranda, age 30; their bodies with hands and feet tied and gunshot wounds to the head were found near Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez Department.
RRN Letter
February 13, 2018
bombing and forced displacement of members of the Wounaan Indigenous reservation of Chagpien Tordó during armed clashes between the Colombian Army and the ELN (National Liberation Army) in Litoral de San Juán, Chocó Department.
News Article
February 13, 2018
It has been 50 days since 2,800 banana workers from ten plantations went on strike against Chiquita.
RRN Letter
February 12, 2018
assassination of Afro-descendant community leader and political organizer Temístocles Machado, a leader of the Black Communities Process (PCN), in Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca Dept.
RRN Letter
February 11, 2018
false criminal charges against human rights defender Edwin Robelo Espinal, now in pre-trial detention in a high security prison for up to two years