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Fair Trade Flowers

A vast majority of cut flowers (about 80%) sold in the United States are grown in Latin America, South America, and Africa. Workers are often exploited to keep costs low, leading to severe abuse and mistreatment. Insufficient wages, sexual harassment, child labor, and excessive exposure to harmful pesticides.
65% of flowers in the US come from Colombia? Unfortunately, though, cheaper flowers for us means deplorable working conditions for flower workers
Fair Trade flowers are those grown under strict social and environmental standards. Workers who pick fair trade flowers receive a premium to invest in community development.
Fair trade flowers are sustainably-grown, pesticide-free. Each bouquet helps give communities access to health care and education. Fair trade certified flowers make vibrant bouquets and help farming communities thrive. In an industry where women often face discrimination, fair trade farms encourage women to pursue leadership roles, and give women paid maternity leave and a guarantee of their job upon their return.
With fair trade, farms, employees, and communities participate in global trade with sustainability and integrity.
There are currently over 30 Fair Trade Certified growers in Ecuador, Colombia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe that produce more than 1 billion stems per year. The majority of those flowers are roses.
Students can make a difference by demanding their schools sell fair trade flowers for Homecoming, Prom, Valentine's Day, Graduation, etc. instead of flowers which come from exploited labor. IRTF has a Fair Trade grant program which can help your school start a Fair Trade program.
Choose flowers grown organically, and under socially responsible conditions. Look for products that have been certified fair trade.
Contact your Congressional Rep about making Feb 14 International Flower Workers' Day
Order Fair Trade Flowers
If you are interested in having Fair Trade Flowers at your school, congregation or event email Chrissy@IRTFcleveland.org