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Exploited Labor: News & Updates

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Church Women United became the first major faith-based organization in several years to endorse the Wendy’s Boycott in support of CIW.  NFWM is pleased to have worked with CWU and will continue to encourage their efforts to help CIW spread the message of the Fair Food Nation and to assist NFWM as we continue to add locations to our Wendy’s map.  Let’s keep this campaign going!

Learn more about the Fair Food Program at 

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The summer heat has started. A "heat dome" recently brought triple digit temperatures to parts of the Western United States in early June – with temps topping 110° in some areas. It's the first major heat wave of what's expected to be another abnormally hot summer. Farm workers and other outdoor workers desperately need a federal heat standard. 

See this urgent alert from United Farm Workers (UFW). Click here to take action to protect farm workers now!

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Public Citizen's Trade Justice project has a new in-depth report called Corporate Colonization of Latin America: How ISDS Harms Indigenous Communities, which explores ISDS’s colonial roots and the disproportionate harm it has caused to Indigenous peoples across Latin America.  The report is available now both as a website and as a PDF, so give it a look and please consider sharing it on social media or on any lists! 

 To release the report, earlier this month we hosted a special delegation of Latin American Indigenous leaders in Washington, DC to speak with policymakers, diplomats, and civil society about the adverse impacts of corporate trade policy on their communities.

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The Northeast Ohio Worker Center (NEOWC) and the Young Latino Network have partnered to host monthly wage theft clinics to educate and empower workers in the region. Wage theft, which includes unpaid overtime and misclassification of workers, is a significant issue, costing workers billions annually. The NEOWC, established in 2019, aims to support non-unionized workers by educating them about their rights and connecting them with legal services. The clinics provide bilingual support and help workers understand and exercise their labor rights, including protections against discrimination and wage theft, regardless of immigration status. The NEOWC offers various resources and referrals to assist workers in advocating for fair treatment in the workplace.
