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December 7, 2024
Join the Advent Festival at Church of the Savior. They will have fair trade and local holiday gift market, live music, made-on-site fresh donuts, a cookie walk for charity and Dominick the Donkey will be there. We will also be there with our fair trade products!
December 5, 2024
It’s been an election like no other: polarizing, ugly, passionately contested. The results suggest a realignment of U.S. politics and a rightward shift in national policies and priorities. Yet most our greatest concerns were invisible during the campaigns.
Join Cleveland Peace Action for a panel and audience discussion, in-person and on Zoom, of the election and its implications for our work. They will address Palestine, the growing risk of nuclear war, the iron grip of the military-industrial complex, climate change, Latin America and immigration, and party politics.
register here for the online version: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMscO2pqTMvGdLzi1Afgi0RwdSyNiHeQb5y#/registration
News Article
December 2, 2024
In 2013 a young woman, Beatriz had been denied an abortion, even though she was seriously ill and the foetus would not have survived outside the uterus. Beatriz died after being involved in a traffic accident in 2017, but her case is before judges at the inter-American court of human rights and could open the way for El Salvador to decriminalise abortion, which could also set an important precedent in across the Caribbean, South and Central America, abortion is not permitted in seven countries.
In El Salvador, abortion can be punished by up to eight years in prison, and women can even be charged with aggravated homicide, which carries a sentence of up to 50 years in prison. Women have been jailed for miscarriages. And women who advocate for safe access to abortion facing hate and threats online as well as offline.
The Global Center for Human Rights, a US-based anti-abortion organisation linked to conservative evangelical groups and the Heritage Foundation opposes what it calls “ideological colonisation [of] countries rooted in Christian values”. They create websites, petitions and videos where to spread fake news like that Beatriz case was made up by the inter-American court to legalize abortion but also to spread hate against abortion activists by for example calling them “enemy of the state”, a “colleague of terrorists” and a “feminazi”.
This has serious consequences. An activist telles the Guardian: “I have received a lot of threats and hate speech on social networks, especially on X,” she says. “A post can lead to a wave of comments where I’m called a murderer; people accuse me of promoting a crime and there are requests that the attorney general investigate me.” Anti-abortion groups often gather outside her office to pray, which she sees as an act of intimidation. Her organisation’s website was the target of 13,000 cyber-attacks during the hearing of the landmark case of Manuela v El Salvador at the IACHR in 2021.
News Article
December 1, 2024
In 2017, El Salvador banned all metals mining above ground and below. A broad coalition of sectors, including the Catholic church, supported the prohibition in order to protect the small country’s water resources from contamination.
President Bukele who supported a mining ban during his first campaign for the presidency in 2019 now wants to lift the country’s ban on gold mining and proposes “modern and sustainable” mining that would care for the environment.
“It’s not true that there’s green mining, it’s paid for with lives, kidney, respiratory problems and leukemia that aren’t immediate,” said Amalia López with the Alliance Against the Privatization of Water. The Archbishop José Luis Escobar Alas is also against the President's plans and asked President Nayib Bukele not to reverse the ban.
November 30, 2024
Gather for solidarity to overcome our violent nation and build nonviolence together. There will be an unveiling of a peace & justice poster by a local artist. Vendors will offer their wares. Presentations to be made regarding nonviolent struggles.
Our esteemed speaker: Larry Clark is a United Methodist pastor and a sociologist. He has a Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Education from the Methodist Theological School in Ohio. He received a Ph.D. in Sociology of Conflict from Bowling Green State University. In retirement he has been filling in a various churches who are without pastors. He is the project director for Bluff Street Village – a tiny home community for low income persons. Larry has facilitated a weekly clergy study for twenty years and has taught Sociology at the University of Toledo. For forty years he has been studying and leading groups in the Holy Land of Israel/Palestine/Jordan
November 29, 2024
12-2pm: The Walk & Fast for Humanity will convene at the Fountain of Eternal Life at 120 Public Square on "Black Friday," November 29, 2024, Noon - 2pm. This is to name four world famines and food insecurity in Cleveland, Ohio. We emphasize the huge Pentagon budget and campaigns that foment poverty and famine in proxy war zones of our government. Famine in Gaza, Haiti, Sudan, and Yemen are our focus. We ask that participants everywhere fast from food, fuel and consumerism on "Black Friday." Readings and songs will be offered. From there we will walk to a public building to address our legislators. We invite you to join us and, if you wish, assist with a reading or song. Please reply to this email maria.smith9907@gmail.com if you'd like to be part of the program, or call Don Bryant at 216.255.1576
November 25, 2024
In preparation for the Black Friday the Cleveland Nonviolence Network and Cleveland Peace Action are hosting a Nonviolence Training. The training will take place at the Pilgrim Congregational Church in Tremont. A registration is not required.
News Article
November 24, 2024
Hundreds of Salvadorans protested to demand the release of “innocent” individuals imprisoned during President Nayib Bukele’s crackdown on gangs.
“Freedom now,” read a banner carried by members of the Victims of the Regime Movement (Movir). Approximately 83,000 alleged gang members have been imprisoned under the state of emergency, which allows for arrests without warrants. However, according to humanitarian organizations such as Socorro Jurídico Humanitario, Cristosal, and Movir, around 30,000 of those detained are “innocent.”
The demonstration, which took place in the historic center of the city, was joined by doctors and teachers calling for improved public services
November 21, 2024
Where is trade policy headed — and what is the role of trade justice activists — now that Donald Trump has won control of the White House?
Join this month’s Trade Justice Power Hour briefing to hear from Lori Wallach of Rethink Trade and Arthur Stamoulis of the Trade Justice Education Fund about trade issues on the immediate horizon when President-elect Trump takes office — from potential tariff increases to renegotiation of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (aka, “Trump’s NAFTA”).
As part of the briefing, we’ll hear about the importance of pushing for alternatives to both the business-as-usual, corporate-driven “free trade” neoliberalism that has failed our communities and the corporate-driven “America first” nationalism that stokes hatred while offering only false solutions.
Please send an email to info@tradejusticeedfund.org to register.
News Article
November 20, 2024
The founder and publisher of elPeriódico, one of the most important oppositional newspapers in Guatemala, was ordered to return to jail after a appeals court overturned the order of freeing him.
He was convicted last year of money laundering, sentenced to six years in prison and fined about $40,000. He called the charges politically motivated and said they were retaliation for his newspaper’s focus on public corruption. The case became a sign of crumbling democracy in Guatemala and a symbol of threats against press freedom across Latin America.
The IRTF wrote several letters about Zamora as part of the Rapid Response Network, these are two of them: