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International organizations strongly condemn the Guatemalan Public Prosecutor's Office for criminalizing political opposition, academics, journalists, and human rights defenders in the "Takeover of the USAC: political booty" case. This abuse of power aims to prevent the inauguration of President-elect Bernardo Arévalo and others on January 14, 2024. Raids and arrests targeting 27 individuals, including human rights advocates and academics, occurred in connection with their peaceful resistance against election anomalies at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala in 2022. The Public Prosecutor's Office plans to pursue pre-trial proceedings against elected officials, deepening a strategy of unjust criminalization. International bodies, including the OAS and IACHR, express grave concern and call on Guatemala to respect election results and cease actions threatening constitutional order and judicial independence. They emphasize the need for international oversight to prevent further abuses and signal that authoritarian manipulation of laws will not be tolerated on the global stage.

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Guatemala's president-elect, Bernardo Arévalo, won the presidency with a surprising margin in a runoff election marred by irregularities and disqualifications. Despite initially being underestimated, Arévalo's unexpected success triggered a campaign by authorities, including the suspension of his party and investigations, leading to protests. Arévalo describes these actions as a "coup in slow motion," emphasizing the use of legal means to undermine elected officials. He calls for global attention to the challenges democracy faces worldwide and expresses confidence in assuming office as scheduled on Jan. 14, citing legal support and electoral tribunal decisions.

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Jesús Ociel Baena, Mexico's first openly non-binary magistrate and LGBTQ+ activist, was found dead at home in Aguascalientes. Authorities are investigating the cause of death, with preliminary findings suggesting it could be a "personal matter." Baena, known for advocacy and visibility on social media, had received hate messages and death threats related to their gender identity. Activists urge a thorough investigation, expressing concern that the death may lead to further violence against queer communities. Baena's contributions to LGBTQ+ rights were recognized in a certificate from the electoral court just before their death. LGBTQ+ activists plan vigils and demonstrations in honor of Baena. Former chief justice Arturo Zaldívar mourns the loss of a strong advocate for equality and LGBTI+ rights.

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Welcome to the vibrant celebration of human rights at the IRTF's 43rd Annual Commemoration Program, Fiesta De Derechos Humanos! As we gather to honor and reflect on the enduring pursuit of justice, this program book serves as a testament to the diverse voices advocating for human rights around the globe. Join us in commemorating the progress made and acknowledging the challenges that lie ahead in our collective journey towards a more just and equitable world. Through engaging narratives, powerful testimonials, and inspiring perspectives, Fiesta De Derechos Humanos encapsulates the essence of our shared commitment to fostering a world where human rights flourish for all.

To view the entire program book visit:

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Guatemala's president-elect, Bernardo Arévalo, accuses political and judicial forces of attempting to prevent his January inauguration through corrupt means, warning that their success would lead to economic disaster, increased migration to the US, and the establishment of an authoritarian regime. Arévalo, elected in August, emphasizes the desperation for change in Guatemala and accuses Attorney General Consuelo Porras and others of undermining democracy. He anticipates sanctions if prevented from taking office, making it difficult to attract investment. Arévalo's economic plans include doubling public investment, improving the rule of law, and reducing debt relative to GDP by 2028.

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The Organization of American States (OAS) plans to continue monitoring Nicaragua's democracy and human rights situation despite the country's impending departure from the organization. Nicaragua's withdrawal, initiated by President Daniel Ortega, will not deter OAS from scrutinizing his administration. The OAS aims to uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms in Nicaragua, sending a message of support to the Nicaraguan people. The resolution is seen as crucial in the face of Ortega's government suppressing dissent since the 2018 protests. Although Nicaragua's exit is considered a setback for democracy, OAS members express determination to stand by the country, rejecting the notion of abandonment. Ortega's government initiated the withdrawal process in 2021, following international criticism of flawed elections. Brazil hopes for Nicaragua's eventual return, while Uruguay warns Ortega that the departure won't be easy, emphasizing the impact on Nicaraguans living under the perceived dictatorship.

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The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, along with the Latin American Working Group and the Guatemalan Human Rights Commission, has expressed solidarity with the people of Guatemala, particularly Indigenous communities, who are fighting for democracy, human rights, and accountability. They condemn the Guatemalan government's attempts to overturn the August 20, 2023 elections and prevent President-Elect Bernardo Arévalo from taking office. The government's tactics include intimidation, threats, and legal actions against election workers and the winning party, Movimiento Semilla. The international community recognizes Arévalo's landslide victory. The protesters, including Indigenous authorities, human rights activists, women's groups, and religious leaders, demand the resignation of corrupt officials and the protection of their constitutional right to peaceful protest. The article calls on the United States to impose sanctions on the guilty officials and urges the Guatemalan government to respect the election results and ensure a peaceful transition of power. The solidarity statement expresses support for the courageous people of Guatemala in their struggle for democracy and the rule of law.

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The text provides an update on the ongoing Indefinite National Strike in Guatemala, initiated on October 2nd by Indigenous Ancestral Authorities and supported by various sectors of the population. The main demand is the resignation of officials involved in the "Pact of Corrupt." The Indigenous authorities have shifted their strategy, ending highway blockades but maintaining a sit-in outside the Public Prosecutor's Office in Guatemala City. The US Assistant Secretary of State met with President-Elect Bernardo Arévalo, not the current president, and discussed potential sanctions to ensure democratic order. Political parties in Congress proposed removing Attorney General Consuelo Porras from her post. Tragically, an Indigenous leader involved in the strike was murdered, demanding a thorough investigation. Despite the end of the electoral process, the strike continues, and new actions are expected as the people persist in their demands for justice and accountability. Solidarity with Guatemala is encouraged.


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The US Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brian Nichols, visited Guatemala to support a peaceful presidential transition but was denied a meeting by President Giammattei. Meanwhile, members of the US House Democracy Partnership urgently requested Secretary of State Antony Blinken to ensure a peaceful transition of power in Guatemala. Additionally, US House representatives, led by Congresswoman Norma Torres, called for strong sanctions, including financial ones, to protect democracy in Guatemala amid concerns of attacks on election workers. The State Department also added former and current Guatemalan officials, including Gendri Rocael Reyes Mazariegos and Alberto Pimentel Mata, to the corrupt actors list due to their involvement in significant corruption, making them ineligible for entry into the United States.

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On behalf of IRTF’s Rapid Response Network (RRN) members, we wrote six letters this month to heads of state and other high-level officials in Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico, urging their swift action in response to human rights abuses occurring in their countries.  We join with civil society groups in Latin America to: (1) protect people living under threat, (2) demand investigations into human rights crimes, (3) bring human rights criminals to justice.


Volunteers with the Rapid Response Network (RRN)—together with IRTF staff—write letters in response to six urgent human rights cases each month. We send copies of these letters to US ambassadors, embassy human rights officers, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, regional representatives of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and desk officers at the US State Department. To read the letters, see , or ask us to mail you hard copies.
