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Migrant Justice Newsletter - AUG 2023

In this monthly newsletter, we highlight the work of Ohio Immigrant Alliance in advocating for the asylum rights of Black Mauritanians.

Black, African and Caribbean migrants seeking safety in the United States have been treated unfairly for decades. They are subject to deportation proceedings at a higher rate than other migrants. They are denied asylum at higher rates. They have higher rates of detention and solitary confinement. All of this is rooted in institutionalized racism.

The racist treatment of Black migrants is very much reflected in Ohio’s sole immigration court (Cleveland) where deportation proceedings against Mauritanians are disproportionately represented. While Cleveland is just one of 69 immigration courts, 18% of all deportation proceedings filed against Mauritanians have been filed in Cleveland this fiscal year (11,623 nationally; 2,146 Ohio).

In the Take Action section, you can learn more about Ohio Immigrant Alliance’s efforts to get DHS (Dept of Homeland Security) to designate TPS (Temporary Protected Status) for Mauritanians. If granted TPS, they would not be placed into deportation proceedings.


Migrant Justice Newsletter - JULY 2023

Despite the federal government’s bragging that its new asylum-restriction policies at the border are working (backed by stats of fewer “encounters” of undocumented persons), measures to further block people from crossing and soliciting asylum are on the rise. Biden is requesting more money for ICE and CBP, which means more surveillance, militarization, and detention. In the Rio Grande, Texas Governor Abbott is stringing a series of floating buoys wrapped in concertina wire and anchored to the riverbed below with webbing to prevent people from swimming underneath.  Aside from being unusually cruel and dangerous to migrants and wildlife, the measure is most certainly in violation of the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC), which was established in 1889. And Texas State Troopers told The New York Times that “there were explicit orders [from supervisors] to deny water to migrants and to tell them to go back to Mexico.” This is consistent with a story published in The Guardian in which troopers reported treating a four-year-old girl who passed out from heat exhaustion in 100-degree temperatures, only to watch the Texas National Guard push the girl and her group back into the river to Mexico.  

We’re doing what we can to stay on top of migration news at the border, in Ohio, and in the Cleveland immigration court.

In this month's newsletter, please read about: 1) Immigration Court in Cleveland, 2) ICE Air: update on removal flight trends, 3) The Human Costs of the Asylum Ban, 4) At the Border: recent incidents, 5) Darién Gap: Tourism Booms while Migrants Suffer, and 6) Texas Deploys Floating Buoys in the Rio Grande.

TAKE ACTION on any of these items: A) Tell Biden to cut ICE and instead fund real human needs, B) Tell senators to oppose the Supplemental Border Funding Bill, C) Tell your congressperson to vote no on the DHS Security Appropriations Bill, D) Tell Congress to reject new bills that deny access to asylum at the southern border, E) Sign up for the Biden deportation tracker, F) Urge Congress to pass the Afghan  Adjustment Act. 

Migrant Justice Newsletter - JUNE 2023

In the Cleveland immigration court in May 2023, nationals of Venezuela ranked #1 of all new deportation cases filed by the Department of Homeland Security against Latin Americans.  Since the beginning of Fiscal Year 2022, the number of Venezuelans has been right up there with Guatemalans, Hondurans, and Mexicans.  So what is driving so many Venezuelans to Ohio?

In this monthly letter, please read about: 1) Immigration Court in Cleveland, OH; 2) ICE Air: Update on Removal Flight Trends; 3) Cruelty at the Border Is Not Success; 4) At the Border: Recent Incidents; 5) Halfway to the US: A Report on Migration from Honduras; 6) Venezuelans: How US Sanctions Are Driving Migration North to the US; 7) Asylum in Limbo--a book review.  In our TAKE ACTION section, see:  A) Follow the Biden Deportations Tracker, B) Tell Senator Sherrod Brown to take his name off Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s anti-asylum bill!, C) Urge Your Congressperson to Support the American Families United Act (AFUA) (now called Dignity Act), and D) Restoring Asylum and Dignity for Immigrants – webinar July 12, 7-8pm EDT

Migrant Justice Newsletter - May 2023

Welcome to IRTF’s May 2023 newsletter on Migrant Justice and the current situation at the US-Mexico border! After you’ve looked through the articles, we hope you can take a couple of minutes to see the TAKE ACTION items at the bottom. In this newsletter, read about 1) Immigration Court in Cleveland, OH; 2) ICE Air Flights: Update on Removal Flight Trends; 3) Labor Exploitation of Unaccompanied Minors: Congress is slow to act ; 4) New Protections for Immigrant Workers; 5) At the Border: Recent Incidents at and around the US-Mexico Border ; 6) Effects of the end of T42 and DHS new plans for processing migrants.


Here is what you can do to take action this week in solidarity with migrant families. 1) Tell Senator Sherrod Brown to take his name off Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s anti-asylum bill! 2) Bring Home Immigrants who’ve been deported from Ohio.  3) Tell Congress to Protect Dreamers

Migrant Justice Newsletter - APR 2023

Welcome to IRTF’s April 2023 newsletter on Migrant Justice and the current situation at the US-Mexico border! After you’ve looked through the articles, we hope you can take a couple of minutes to see the TAKE ACTION items at the bottom.

In this newsletter, please read about

  • Immigration Court in Cleveland, OH: Update on New Deportation Proceedings and Deportations Ordered
  • Removal Flights & Title 42: Expelling Migrants in the Name of Health Measures. Update on Removal Flight Trends
  • A New Crisis Emerged: Migrant child labor in the U.S.
  • At the Border: Recent Incidents at and around the US-Mexico Border. Ten cases appear to violate CBP and Border Patrol policies on use of force. 
  • 24 Federal Budget: Promoting Border Enforcement and Unsafe Migration
  • TPS Update: 16 nationalities now qualify


Here is what you can do to take action this week and act in solidarity with migrants and their families.

Tell Congress to Protect Dreamers

Tell Border Patrol to stop detaining pregnant and nursing mothers!

Urge your congressperson to support the American Families United Act (AFUA)

Migrant Justice Newsletter – MAR 2023

In this monthly newsletter, read about (1) Cleveland Immigration Court, (2) Removal Flights, (3) Title 42 Runs Out in May, But What Comes Next?, (4) Recent Incidents at US/Mexico Border, (5) Turn of Events: Busing Migrants Away from the Border, and TAKE ACTION NOW: a) speak out against asylum ban, b) tell your governor and attorney general that immigrants should be welcome in your state, and c) support migrant detainees on hunger strike in California.

Migrant Justice Newsletter - FEB 2023

In this monthly newsletter, read about (1) Cleveland Immigration Court, (2) Removal Flights, (3) Recent Incidents at US/Mexico Border, (4) New Mexico Seeks to End ICE Contracts, (5) Ohio's Return from Deportation Working Group + Resource Guide for Newcomers to NE Ohio, (6) Ohio Sues Over Biden's New Humanitarian Parole Program, (7) CBP Migrant Deaths Report, (8) Take Action: a) speak out against asylum ban, b) tell your governor and attorney general that immigrants should be welcome in your state. 


Migrant Justice Newsletter - December 2022

In this monthly newsletter, please read about (1) Immigration Court in Cleveland, OH, (2)  The Biden Administration’s Plans to Overhaul Border Policies after the End of Title 42, (3) Title 42: Expelling Migrants in the Name of Health Measures. Update on Removal Flight Trends, (4) Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Renewed for Haitians, and (5) At The Border: Recent Incidents at and around the US-Mexico Border. TAKE ACTION ITEMS: After reading the articles, please take a few moments to advocate for migrant justice with our TAKE ACTION items: (1) Urge Congress to Reject Racist, Anti-Asylum Policies, and (2) Permanent Pathway to Citizenship for DACA and TPS Recipients.

Migrant Justice Newsletter - November 2022

In this montly newsletter, please read about : (1) Immigration Court in Cleveland, OH: Nicaraguans rank #1 in deportation proceedings filed; (2) - Recent Border Trends: Why We See so Many Nicaraguans and Venezuelans Arriving at the U.S. Southern Border; (3) Title 42: Expelling Migrants in the Name of Health Measures: Biden Urges Mexico to Take Migrants under COVID Expulsion Order He Promised to End; (4) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): Increase in ICE’s use of Ankle Monitors and Smartphones to Monitor Immigrants and Detention Numbers; (5) At The Border: Recent Incidents at and around the US-Mexico Border. TAKE ACTION ITEMS: After reading the articles, please take a few moments to advocate for migrant justice with our TAKE ACTION items: (1) Support Ohio Immigrant and Refugee Businesses this Holiday Season; (2) ​​​​​Urge Congress to Support and Pass Permanent Pathways to Citizenship (3) Stop the illegal and immoral transportation of migrants by certain governors to other states and Washington, DC.

