Celebrating our 30th year as an organization, Illinois School of the Americas Watch (ILSOAW) and the SOA Watch Staff Collective invite you to join us for a virtual gathering on Sunday, September 27th at 2pm-3:30pm Eastern / 1pm-2:30pm Central / 11am-12:30pm Pacific. The afternoon event consists of music, conversation, and members of the SOA Watch Staff Collective will share more about our work to end US-led and backed state violence; dismantle Border Imperialism; and stand with communities in Latin America organizing against the militarization of their lands and lives under a neoliberal model that values profit over people and the environment. The event is bilingual (Spanish and English), and interpretation will be provided.
The event is free and all are welcome! After registering below, you will receive the log-in instructions for the virtual gathering via email. This is the first of three events that will take place over the next months to celebrate our community and uplift SOA Watch's 30 years of organizing to dismantle US imperialism. Our struggle for collective liberation and for the dignity of all our communities continues together! If you are able, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support our work and to help us reach our goal of $7,000 at this event. Tax-deductible donations can be made via card below or by sending a check made out to SOA Watch and sent to the following address:
SOA Watch
225 E. 26th Street, Suite 7
Tucson, AZ 85713