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Environmental Human Rights: News & Updates
February 28, 2017
March 14 is International Day of Action for the Rivers. We will be heading to Edgewater park for an afternoon of reflection and action. Join us!
News Article
February 23, 2017
Guatemala’s indigenous communities have worked tirelessly to recuperate their communal lands in the 20 years since the end of the country’s 36-year-long internal armed conflict. But these communities have faced the constant threat of dispossession from mining companies, the large-scale agro-industry, and the construction of hydroelectric dams.
News Article
February 15, 2017
More than 120 people have died since 2010, according to Global Witness research. The victims were ordinary people who took a stand against dams, mines, logging or agriculture on their land –murdered by state forces, security guards or hired assassins.
News Article
February 15, 2017
On March 2nd, 2016 they assassinated our sister Berta Cáceres. They thought they would get rid not just of her as a leader recognized throughout Latin America and around the world, but also would end a struggle, a political project, that they would destroy the organization of which she was both founder and daughter, COPINH (the Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras).
October 18, 2016
Presentation by visiting artists Steve Cagan and Mary Kelsey, large prints produced for the artists’ exhibition at the Quick Center at Saint Bonaventure University in New York.
RRN Letter
June 2, 2016
attacks, harassments, and threats against members of COPINH, including COPINH leader Alexander García Sorto, COPINH General Coordinator Tomás Gómez Membreño, and international observer accompanying COPINH Giulia Fellin.
RRN Letter
May 24, 2016
Honduran government neglected to notify the family of Berta Cáceres of the arrest of four men allegedly associated with her murder and therefore neglected the proper protocol of homicide investigations.
RRN Letter
May 23, 2016
threats and intimidation towards Ana Mirian Romero and her children, a member of the Lenca Indigenous Movement of La Paz (MILPAH) and the San Isidro Labrador Indigenous Council who defends indigenous land rights.
RRN Case Update
April 1, 2016
Indigenous Human Rights and Envirnonmental Defender Berta Cáceres Assassinated
March 28, 2016
Back from her 2-week delegation to Honduras with the topic Women Leading the Way to Justice and Peace, Sophie will report from her experience of peaceful resistance in the country with the highest homicide rate in the world.
After learning for two weeks from the people protecting their traditional lands and resisting the violence by Tahoe Resources, Wilber will talk about his journey to the counrty directly north of his native El Salvador.
Come and discuss with us:
How can we better act in solidarity with the people in Central America?