Tens of thousands of Salvadorans have been jailed since President Nayib Bukele declared a State of Exception in March 2022, suspending several constitutional rights in the name of getting tough on violent crime. We wrote to the attorney general of El Salvador about the arbitrary detentions of innocent people, representing serious violations of due process. We have read reports of people captured without any proof of their ties to criminal gangs and who in some cases have been recaptured. Criminal law specialists in El Salvador have criticized these irregularities. They affirm that if a person has been released because it is determined that he or she does not incur criminal responsibility, and is captured on a second occasion for the same crime, that is an illegal detention.
We are urging that officials in El Salvador work to end the arbitrariness of the system, exhibited by the recapture of Salvadorans who were already released due to lack of evidence connecting them to criminal activity. Without guarantees of due process, all Salvadorans lose.