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RRN Letter
January 24, 2018
repressive actions by state security forces against pro-democracy demonstrators. Beaten: Diego Aguilar López and Wilmer Paredes (killed 2 weeks later) of MADJ (Broad Movement for Justice and Dignity). Public smear campaign against MADJ members Martín Fernándezand Víctor Fernández, social activists Karina Flores and Araminta Pereira, and Jesuit priest Fr. Ismael Moreno Coto (Radio Progreso).
RRN Letter
January 23, 2018
killing of two members of indigenous community police force (CRAC-PC) by unknown attackers in Cacahuatepec, Guerrero; subsequent crackdown on the community by state and federal police and the army, killing three CRAC-PC members, detaining 30 CRAC-PC members, along with environmental defenders Marco Antonio Suástegi Muñoz and Vicente Suástegi Muñoz of CECOP (Council of Communal Lands and Communities Opposing the La Parota Dam).
RRN Letter
January 22, 2018
violent crackdown by Honduran military against TV journalists covering Opposition Alliance demonstration in Tegucigalpa; injured: Cesar Silva, Rony Martinez, Pedro Amador, Claudia Mendoza. Congressional representative Jari Dixon also beaten.
News Article
January 16, 2018
The US Department of Labor issued a progress assessment calling on Colombia to more fully comply with obligations outlined in the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement [of 2012], noting “lack [of] a national inspection strategy” and neglect of “associational rights of workers.” “Today’s update merely calls for continued consultation, monitoring, and assessment over the upcoming year – this is simply not good enough, given the depth of the problems and how long they have been festering. We need more proactive action and for this Administration to focus and engage with Congress to ensure all our trading partners have fair labor standards.” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), member of the Colombia Monitoring Group of the House Ways & Means Subcommitte on Trade, US Congress
News Article
January 13, 2018
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled on January 9, 2018 that the 20 countries under its jurisdiction must enact marriage equality if they haven't already done so.
News Article
January 13, 2018
In the last year, 170 leaders and social activists known for their various missions in defense of indigenous rights, coca rights substitution, Afro-Colombian rights, labor rights, and LGBTQ. The majority of violence has erupted in sectors left vacant by the guerrilla groups, which have since been invaded by paramilitary groups. Of all of these, trade unions have risen to the top in the number of the nation's homicides and victims of violence and death threats, making Colombia the most dangerous nation for union members in the world. Over the last 20 years, about 3,000 unionists have been murdered with an outrageous rate of impunity at 87 percent, with thousands of death threats never being investigated.
News Article
January 12, 2018
A peace accord has ended the fighting [between the Colombian Army and FARC rebels]. But the countryside is littered with landmines, and criminal gangs are growing.
News Article
January 12, 2018
"[These threats are] reminiscent of the death threats which circulated in El Salvador before the murder of Jesuit Fr. Rutilio Grande," a Salvadoran Jesuit murdered in 1977. "This is an attempt to create terror in the people as a strategy to demobilize them," said the statement, signed by Fr. Roberto Jaramillo, President of the Conference of Jesuit Provincials in Latin America and the Caribbean. "We hold Juan Orlando Hernandez and his allies responsible for the safety and physical and moral well-being of the nine people falsely accused."
RRN Letter
January 11, 2018
violent attack on members of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó in Antioquia Department, injuring legal representative Germán Graciano Posso; threats by neo-paramilitaries to attack again soon.
RRN Letter
January 11, 2018
death threat to Germán Graciano Posso, legal representative of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó in Antioquia Department and subsequent armed attack on him and other community members by neo-paramilitaries