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Nicaraguan authorities released 19 clergymen, including Bishop Rolando Álvarez, a prominent government critic, and handed them over to the Vatican. Bishop Álvarez had been convicted of treason and sentenced to 26 years in prison. The release followed Pope Francis' New Year's Day address expressing concern about the attacks on the church in Nicaragua. The government expressed gratitude to the Pope for coordinating the release. President Daniel Ortega's regime has targeted opposition leaders, dissidents, and the Catholic Church. Over 782 acts of aggression against the Church have been documented since 2018, including physical assaults on priests. The recent releases involve priests praying for Bishop Álvarez and follow a pattern of clergy persecution in Nicaragua. While the release is positive, critics condemn the government for forcing religious leaders into exile. Bishop Álvarez gained prominence as a critic during the 2018 government crackdown on protests.

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The Xinka Parliament, a key Indigenous authority in Guatemala, sees the new government as a foundation for continuing their struggle for democracy. The Xinka people have been actively involved in resisting the Escobal silver mine and have faced challenges, including denial of their Indigenous status and the killing and criminalization of their leaders. They recently participated in a national strike for a peaceful transition of state power. Despite the uncertainties, they express hope in the potential for positive change with the new government, emphasizing the need for direct governance with the people. They acknowledge the challenges within Guatemala's political system but believe in laying a foundation for lasting change. The interview highlights the importance of international solidarity and emphasizes that Indigenous authorities work voluntarily for their communities. The Xinka Parliament calls for unity and invites others to join their struggle against corruption for the sake of future generations.

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As Guatemala's new president, Bernardo Arévalo, prepares to take office amidst challenges to his legitimacy, Indigenous leaders reflect on the past indefinite national strike defending democracy. Despite the Constitutional Court's affirmation and Arévalo's upcoming inauguration, concerns linger over the inclusivity of the new government. The Indigenous-led #ParoNacionalIndefinido successfully mobilized communities nationwide, highlighting the power of Indigenous leadership. The struggle, rooted in historical Indigenous resistance, extends beyond electoral politics. Interviews with organizations involved in the national strike shed light on broader Indigenous struggles in Guatemala, emphasizing the need for structural change and justice beyond the political transition. The disappointment with Arévalo's cabinet appointments underscores the ongoing Indigenous-led resistance and the promise of the future.

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Human Rights & Community-based organizations call for public investigations & inquiries regarding U.S. and Canadian support for Juan Orlando Hernández & the coup as the former president goes to trial on February 5, 2024.

Click here to watch the press conference:

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This report explains how issuances of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are an effective tool to mitigate the effects of the multiple crises that Latin American and Caribbean countries currently face. SDRs are among the most important alternative financing mechanisms available within the international monetary system, as they can generate new resources without increasing debt levels. Untapped for decades, recent issuances in 2009 — to address the effects of the global recession — and in 2021 — to help countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic — reintroduced SDRs as a powerful instrument for addressing global emergencies. However, the scale of their impact could be much more significant.

The current context, marked by the climate crisis, economic stagnation, and rising external debt burdens, calls for a strong, coordinated, and global response by the international community. So far, however, the response has failed to meet these challenges sufficiently or adequately. Given these circumstances, a new SDR issuance becomes not only relevant but also necessary for ensuring that countries of the Global South receive the financial support required for climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to achieve further issuances of SDRs, a coordinated push by Latin American and Caribbean countries, together with other countries and organizations in the Global South, is essential.
