Early in the morning of November 22, representatives of the Attorney General of El Salvador, accompanied by police, raided seven human rights organizations, ostensibly on the grounds of investigating “corruption.” The Salvadoran popular movement describes the raids as the latest in an escalating campaign of political persecution by President Bukele against voices critical of the regime. Among the organizations targeted were Las Mélidas, a historic feminist organization that works to defend women’s rights, and PRO-VIDA, a humanitarian association that works in areas of healthcare, climate change, and strengthening of democratic institutions. Also targeted were PROCOMES, FUNDASPAD, Fundación Una Mano Amiga, Asociación de Mujeres Tecleñas, Fundación Ambientalista de Santa Ana (FUNDASAN). In a statement following the raid, a representative of Las Mélidas condemned the attacks as “unjustified” and meant to “criminalize their initiatives” which include literacy, violence prevention, and sexual health campaigns.