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My name is Cruz Salucio and I am part of the staff of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers.

For many years I worked in the fields, especially in tomato, blueberry, and also watermelon harvesting for nine years. So when we talk about heat, it’s a real worry that one has as a worker because every year it gets hotter.

There were moments where  if I ran out of water, well, I had to endure it. Before the Fair Food Program, growers, most of the time, didn’t give water to those who worked, and if you wanted to rest in the field, normally there was no shade so a lot of times you had to go under the bus or go far away to get below a tree if there was one. Or simply stay under the sun. So, those were the situations I saw for a long time.

After a long day of work you would get so thirsty, you would wake up with your mouth so dry in the morning, but we had to keep working and a lot of coworkers we worked with sadly would lose consciousness in the fields. That’s what comes to mind when you talk about the heat. Nowadays it’s getting hotter and that’s very worrying for one’s health as a farmworker.

That’s why I got involved here with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to fight; to better those situations in the workplace.  – Cruz Saluci, CIW

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We fight for a better deal for farmers, workers and the environment through a unique pricing model, rigorous standards and a global support network committed to making ethical trade the norm.

We do not grow bananas in the United States (save the odd local varieties you may find in Hawaii or Puerto Rico). During the four weeks between when a banana is picked to when it is purchased, it travels thousands of miles to get to US grocery stores. So how do they still cost less than apples that are grown locally?

There is no such thing as a cheap product. Somewhere, someone in the supply chain is paying for it—whether that is us, the end consumer, or the farmer, who may be forced by the market into unfair and unsustainable deals. There is always a cost. In the case of bananas, the costs of conventional (non-fair trade certified and non-organic) banana farming are many:

  • Poverty
  • Underpayment
  • Health & safety risks
  • Soil depletion
  • Water shortages
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Juan Carlos Bonilla Valladares, also known as "El Tigre," the former chief of the Honduran National Police, has been sentenced to 19 years in prison for his role in a conspiracy to protect cocaine shipments bound for the United States. Prosecutors described him as facilitating large-scale cocaine trafficking and using violence, including murder, to safeguard drug operations. Despite his defense's plea for a 10-year sentence citing occasional lawful actions and health concerns, the judge imposed a 19-year term in Manhattan federal court. Bonilla Valladares' conviction is part of broader scrutiny of corruption within Honduran institutions, implicating high-profile figures including former President Juan Orlando Hernández and his brother Tony Hernández.

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On their small island of Isla El Espíritu Santo, residents live relatively isolated from the mainland and rely on income from coconut crops. That’s why it’s been dubbed "Coconut Island." Their peaceful existence was shaken, however, when President Nayib Bukele announced his State of Exception in March 2022. His government began to target the islanders through arbitrary arrests.

Over a period of one year, 25 islanders were arbitrarily arrested without proper warrants and accused of criminal activities, even though the island has not historically experienced gang violence.

***Attend the Summer Solidarity Social on August 9 in Cleveland, Ohio, with guest speaker Leslie Schuld from the CIS in El Salvador

See an info/take action flyer about the Free the Innocents campaign at

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The article by Salvador Meléndez and María Teresa Hernández in the Associated Press on August 1, 2024, highlights the annual pilgrimage in El Salvador to honor Saint Oscar Romero, who was canonized in 2018. Thousands of pilgrims travel 160 kilometers from San Salvador to Ciudad Barrios, where Romero was born. Romero, beloved for his advocacy for the poor and working class and his opposition to military repression, was assassinated in 1980. The pilgrimage, which started in 2017, aims to unite his birthplace with his burial site. Participants, inspired by Romero's legacy, engage in prayer, cultural activities, and celebrations. This year's pilgrimage marks the 500th anniversary of Christianity's arrival in El Salvador and emphasizes the enduring influence of Romero, especially amidst the current government's harsh crackdown on gangs and human rights violations.
