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Did you know that IRTF’s fair trade program raises approximately $25,000 each year, providing vital income for fair trade artisans and farmers in Latin America? They depend on groups like IRTF to find markets for their fair trade goods.

And IRTF, with only two paid staff, depends on volunteers to generate this income for the artisans and farmers.

Can you help out IRTF for a couple of hours?

Click here to see the schedule of dates and hours, and sign up for a shift.

News Article
One of the most common tools of US foreign policy are economic sanctions. At the same time there is overwhelming  evidence that migration1 is driven in large part by adverse economic conditions and that sanctions can have severe, harmful economic and humanitarian consequences for civilians in targeted countries.
The cases of Cuba and Venezuela demonstrate this relationship clearly: The imposition or tightening of sanctions by the US government have, in recent years, fueled economic crises that in turn have led to record migratory outflows.
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The honduran human rights and environmental activist Berta Cáceres was assassinated on the morning of March 3 in 2016.
Now, after many years of waiting, the full bench of the Honduran Supreme Court of Justice has confirmed the conviction of Sergio Ramón Rodríguez Orellana, ratifying his guilt of aggravated murder for the role he had in Cáceres assasination. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Sergio Rodríguez is part of the criminal structure that has terrorized the Lenca community of Río Blanco since 2013, with the intention of imposing the illegal Agua Zarca hydroelectric project, for the economic benefit of the Atala Zablah family.
