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El Salvador: Demand the Release of Arbitrarily Arrested Residents of Isla Espíritu Santo

from LAWG and CIS

In El Salvador, there’s a small island known as Isla El Espíritu Santo, or the "Coconut Island." The island's small population relies on coconut crops and lives relatively isolated from the mainland. Two years ago, President Nayib Bukele's State of Exception began to target the islanders through arbitrary arrests.

Between May 13, 2022 and April 28, 2023, 25 islanders were arrested without a proper warrant and accused of criminal activities, even though there hasn’t historically been  existing gang violence on the island. When the military and police arrested those individuals, they did not have official warrants, testimonies, or physical evidence to provide the basis for their arrests. In one case, the Centro de Intercambio y Solidaridad (CIS) reports that police officers had a list of men to arrest on a torn-out page of a notebook. Another person was arrested after officers asked him to lift his shirt to reveal a rose tattoo with his mother's name. In another, a sergeant lied under oath that he arrested 6 men for allegedly being involved in providing food to the gangs. The sergeant failed to present photos, physical evidence, or witnesses of the trafficking.

The biggest raid on the island occurred on July 18, 2022. On this significant anniversary, LAWG and the CIS are urging our partner organizations and members to disseminate the social media graphics to raise awareness for the 17 people who are still incarcerated and call for their release.



Cristian Donely Ruiz Pineda, 44 years old, was arrested in his home around 8:30 p.m. on July 3rd, 2022. Cristian, a shoemaker, fisherman, and builder, is married with two daughters and a grandson he has never met, while his family struggles to support him in prison, enduring restricted visits and communication for over two years.

Jose Samuel Perez Perdomo, 60 years old, was arbitrarily arrested on May 13, 2022. Samuel, a dedicated boat driver for CIS high school and university scholarship students since 2011, has been moved to the prison medical center in Izalco, where reports indicate he suffers from mental and physical illnesses.

Fabricio Isaac Fuentes Lopez, 24 years old, was arrested on July 18, 2022. On the night of his arrest, soldiers and police raided his grandfather's home, and after finding the photo of Fabricio taken earlier, they arrested him instead of a mute and epileptic family friend, despite Fabricio’s protests and clean record.

Eidi Roxana Claros de Zaldaña, 44 years old, was arrested on the evening of Friday, April 28, 2023. Twenty-five soldiers and a policeman surrounded Eidi and Sandra’s  home after a rival taxi group accused Sandra, of collaborating with gangs. Eidi was arrested after intervening on Sandra’s behalf. The same drivers had previously tried to get Sandra's taxi permit revoked with the Island Council due to her successful business. They also repeatedly attacked the couple for being lesbian. Fortunately, Sandra was released, but Eidi remains in prison.


  1. Release the Innocents: Free the islanders who were arbitrarily arrested on an island devoid of gang structures or crime.
  2. Allow Families to See Their Loved Ones In Prison: Once imprisoned, families are not allowed to see their loved ones.
  3. Restore Due Process and Presumption of Innocence: Reinstate fundamental rights suspended during the State of Exception.
  4. Reach Congressional audiences: LAWG and CIS will collaborate with members of Congress to write a ‘Dear Colleague’ letter urging the State Department to pressure President Bukele's administration to liberate the islanders and reinstate rule of law.



Organizations and advocates should use the content provided here either verbatim or as a guide to post about the release of arbitrarily arrested persons on the island El Espíritu Santo, El Salvador. This toolkit is maintained by the Latin America Working Group and the Centro de Intercambio y Solidaridad.

Feel free to tag the following human rights organizations in your posts:

@LAWGAction, @CISElSalvador, @SJHumanitario, @Cristosal, @CISPES, @idhuca, @DPLF_info, @WOLA_org


Tag these Salvadoran officials and agencies to gain visibility on the issue:

Andrés Guzmán, Human Rights Commissioner of El Salvador – @andresgzm

Rodolfo Delgado, Attorney General of El Salvador – @FiscalGeneralSV

Alexandra Hill, Foreign Minister of El Salvador – @CancillerAleHT

President Nayib Bukele – @nayibbukele

Legislative Assembly of El Salvador – @AsambleaSV



  • Stories of the 4 victims stated previously.
  • Our campaign's demands and goals.
  • Quotes from families of the wrongfully imprisoned.


Click here for social media graphics.


Twitter Caption

Instagram/Facebook Caption

Since 2022 under the #StateofException in El Salvador, 25 innocent people from the Espíritu Santo island were unjustly arrested. Only 8 have been released.

Use #LibertadParaIES & the graphics to make noise and pressure @nayibbukele to free the 17.

In 2022 under the #StateofException in El Salvador, 25 innocent people from the Espíritu Santo island were unjustly arrested. Only 8 have been released.

Join @LAWGaction and @CISElSalvador in our campaign to hold the state accountable and free the people of Espíritu Santo island.

Learn more:

#LibertadParaIES #LibresLosQueremos

July 18, 2022: the biggest raid of arbitrary arrests on the Isla Espíritu Santo in #ElSalvador 🇸🇻

2 years later and 17 people are STILL arrested under the #StateofException 

Let's honor the victims and demand for their immediate release ⚖️


July 18, 2022 was the biggest raid of arbitrary arrests on the Isla Espíritu Santo in #ElSalvador 🇸🇻

The people on this island have ZERO gang ties. So how were 25 people imprisoned?

The #StateofException in El Salvador allows for arbitrary arrests without a warrant, the removal of due process, and silences the voices of the most vulnerable.

2 years later and 17 people are STILL in prison for having "gang ties." @CISELSalvador, who works directly with the islanders, reports that they are innocent and were arrested at their homes. They represent thousands of innocent victims arrested to fill quotas.

Let's honor the victims and demand for their immediate release ⚖️


In 2022 under the #StateofException in El Salvador, 25 innocent people from the Espíritu Santo island were unjustly arrested. Only 8 have been released.

Here is the story of [insert the name from the graphic] made a victim of the state on [insert date of arrest]. #LibertadParaIES

In 2022 under the #StateofException in El Salvador, 25 innocent people from the Espíritu Santo island were unjustly arrested. Only 8 have been released.

Here is the story of [insert the name from the graphic] made a victim of the state on [insert date of arrest].


How were 25 people on the Isla El Espiritu Santo arrested without:

Gang ties

Physical evidence

Due process

RT to help:

👤Release Innocents

⚖️Restore Due Process

🇺🇸 Talk to Congress

#LibertadParaIES #LibresLosQueremos

How were 25 people arrested without:

Gang ties

Physical evidence

Due process

@nayibbukele has allowed the arrest of thousands more innocent people under the #StateofException

Our campaign focuses on:  

👤Releasing the Innocents

⚖️Restoring Due Process

🇺🇲Talking to your Congress member

Learn more:

#LibertadParaIES #LibresLosQueremos

Cristian Donely was unjustly arrested on July 3, 2022 on the El Espiritu Santo Island.

Cristian hasn’t seen his family for 2 years. The #StateofException is tearing families apart.

Learn more about the Islanders here

Cristian Donely was arrested on July 3, 2022 on the Isla Espiritu Island.

Every month, his wife Carolina, goes to Mariona prison to leave a $75 packet of food, clothing, hygienic products and medicine, to provide goods that the State does not.

Cristian hasn’t seen his family for 2 years.

The #StateofException is tearing families apart.

Learn more:






Get informed with these recent articles and reports:

  1. Cristosal, "El silencio no es opción: Investigación sobre las prácticas de tortura, muerte y justicia fallida en el régimen de excepción", July 2024
  2. Human Rights Watch, "El Salvador: Rights Violations Against Children in 'State of Emergency,'" July 16, 2024
  3. Centro de Intercambio y Solidaridad, "Report on 25 Arbitrary Arrests of residents of the Isla El Espíritu Santo," June 2024
  4. El Salvador Perspectives, "Espíritu Santo Island – a State of Exception Story," May 19, 2024.



The Latin America Working Group (LAWG) and the Latin America Working Group Education Fund (LAWGEF) mobilize concerned citizens, organizations, and networks to call for just U.S. policies towards Latin America and the Caribbean. We work closely with civil society partners in Latin America to amplify their human rights campaigns and make sure their voices are heard in the policy debates that take place in Washington, DC but shape the lives of millions throughout the region.

CENTRO DE INTERCAMBIO Y SOLIDARIDAD (Center for Exchange and Solidarity)

The Centro de Intercambio y Solidaridad (CIS) is a non-profit association that formed after the end of El Salvador's 13-year civil war to accompany Salvadorans in defending human rights and democratic processes that were promised in the 1992 Peace Accords.  CIS expanded to include community building programs such as scholarships and leadership development, empowerment and women's enterprises, and clean water and the environment, as the electoral process became transparent and grave human rights violations diminished.  CIS had to return to prioritizing human rights in 2022 with the implementation of the Regime of Exception due to the innocent people impacted in the economically and socially marginalized communities where CIS works.