Watch the spanish Livestream or the english Recording of our first session of our four-part Honduras Solidarity Webinar Series, on March 15.
We want to invite you to join the following sessions of the Honduras Solidarity Webinar Series as well!
Tuesday March 22, 8 pm EDT:
Imperialist development - ZEDEs, Neoliberalism and Labor Exploitation
Examine the role the US government and corporations play in exploiting labor and natural resources, the popular resistance movement against the ZEDEs (charter cities), and the challenges faced by the new presidential administration and the people of Honduras in the current political landscape.
Tuesday March 29, 8 pm EDT:
Environment, Human Rights, and State Repression
Learn about some of the environmental human rights violations in Honduras, examine the role the US government and corporations play in seizing land and waterways from communities in Honduras, the mechanisms of transnational agreements that allow these abuses to occur, and how the struggle for environmental defense might shift in light of the new administration of President Xiomara Castro.
Tuesday April 5, 8 pm EDT:
US Imperialism & Corruption - Does the Leopard Ever Change its Spots?
Learn about some of the environmental human rights violations in Honduras, examine the role the US government and corporations play in seizing land and waterways from communities in Honduras, the mechanisms of transnational agreements that allow these abuses to occur, and how the struggle for environmental defense might shift in light of the new administration of President Xiomara Castro.
You can register for all of the following Honduras Solidarity Webinars at Hondurassolidarity22.Eventbrite.com!.