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Freddy Murio leans against the doorframe to his home, his 10-gallon hat and oversized belt buckle making him look like a Honduran version of the Marlboro man. After 12 years as an undocumented construction worker in New York, Murio is now back in his rural hometown and running for mayor in Honduras' upcoming elections.
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The U.S. Chargé d'Affaires in El Salvador, Jean Manes, announced her departure from the Central American country without the appointment of a new ambassador in a diplomatic legation, which has been without this position for almost a year and in a context of tensions in bilateral relations. In the last few months, the relationship between the Governments of El Salvador and the United States has been far from improving, according to statements of the Chargé d'Affaires, who denounced that Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele is not giving any sign of interest in the bilateral relationship. In particular, she mentioned the cooperation with Washington and assured that the White House sent her to the country as a bridge to clarify the situation. Still, the Bukele administration decided not to take it, so new ways are being sought to maintain cooperation with El Salvador.
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U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Jean Manes said today on local television that she will be returning to the U.S. and that relations between El Salvador and the United States are temporarily on hold “due to the Salvadoran government’s apparent lack of interest in dialogue” after several meetings where they wanted to verify whether the Salvadoran government wanted to continue on an “anti-democratic path“. A few hours later, the District Attorney’s Office and national police raided seven NGOs with a search warrant signed by Haydee Flores, one of the newly-appointed judges and former wife of appointed General Attorney.
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The Honduran people will participate massively in these elections as an expression of social exasperation from the deepening of social inequality, the impoverishment that now impacts 73% of the population, the migration crisis, the systematic violation of human rights, the criminalization of social protest, the multiple expressions of violence in general and in particular against girls and women. Honduras will not change at the ballot box but voting against the dictatorship that governs us will be one step. The majority of the Honduran people will vote to reject these accumulated ills.

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Thank you to the more than 120 people who attended the IRTF annual Commemoration of the Martyrs online on Sunday, November 7. You helped to create a beautiful and moving tribute to human rights defenders throughout southern Mexico, Central America, and Colombia. Here you will find links to (1) Commemoration program book 2021, (2) Zoom recording of the event, (3) Facebook livestream recording, (4) playlist from the social hour, (5) an additional play list, (6) how you can add your name to urgent human rights letters, (7) donations for the Honduras support fund, (8) IRTF Legacy Circle planned giving fund, and (9) highlights from the speakers' presentations. Thank you!
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In the midst of a long conflict and recent protest over a nickel mine in El Estor, in eastern Guatemala, police have carried out more than 40 raids and 60 arrests, and the government has declared a 30-day state of emergency. Indigenous Mayan opponents to the mine say they were never properly consulted about the mine and its impacts on their lands, livelihoods and lake, and protested on the town’s main road, refusing passage to mining vehicles. Four police were shot during the police crackdown on protests by what the government blames as armed protestors, although mine opponents say the assailants were not involved in the protest. There are concerns mining operations will pose environmental damages to Guatemala’s largest lake, home to diverse fish, bird, reptile and mammal species, including the endangered Guatemalan black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra).
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An analysis of how two major U.S. newspapers presented the civil unrest in Latin America this year demonstrates how corporate media favors political allies and blames enemies. Although people in both countries protested for many of the same reasons—inequality, poverty, and unemployment exacerbated by COVID; rising cost of living; police violence; and systemic racism—the Colombian protests lasted far longer and were met with a harsher crackdown than in Cuba. According to respected human rights and civil society groups, the death toll ranged from 21 to 44 deaths in Colombia in a population of 51 million and one to five deaths in Cuba in a population of 11 million. In addition to disproportionately killing more people, Colombian police also injured protesters more severely than their Cuban counterparts, such as deliberately shooting at dozens of protesters’ eyes.
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Honduras will hold presidential, legislative, and local elections November 28th under a cloud of concerns. An array of presidential and legislative candidates are competing who habe allegations against them of corruption and connections to money laundering and drug trafficking. Violence stalks the process. Thirty candidates and close family members have been killed.
