To read the full newsletter, see https://www.irtfcleveland.org/blog .
Here is what you can do to take action this week and act in solidarity with migrants and their families.
Tell Senator Sherrod Brown to take his name off Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s anti-aylum bill!
Note to Ohio residents: Senator Brown has signed onto another anti-immigrant/ anti-asylum bill in the US Senate (S 1473) put forth by Senator Kyrsten Sinema of AZ and Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina. Read Senator Sinema’s statement about this proposed legislation here. This bill would effectively end the legal right to asylum, create a new detention and expulsion regime, require mandatory detention of children and families, and would also further militarize border communities. Contact Senator Sherrod Brown and express your opposition to this anti-asylum bill! Click here to send a message to Senator Brown.
Bring Home Immigrants who’ve been deported from Ohio.
Amplify the national campaign “Chance to Come Home”!
Show up for Ohioans who were deported and want to come home! Register for the "Chance To Come Home" campaign launch with the National Immigrant Justice Center and use this social media toolkit to spread the word. This national campaign features three Ohioans who are a beloved part of the Ohio Immigrant Alliance—Tina from Dayton, Goura from Columbus, and Ibrahima from Cincinnati. They were all ripped from their children and lives in the US during the previous administration. Get involved so they and others can come home!
Tell Congress to Protect Dreamers
DACA, the policy in place to protect Dreamers, has been ruled unlawful by two separate federal courts since 2021, and although the rulings allow the nearly 600,000 DACA recipients to keep and renew their status, the Supreme Court could very well strip these protections if they concur with the lower courts.
Only Congress has the tools to provide permanent protections by passing legislation to create a pathway to legal status for Dreamers. The Dream Act of 2023 (S.365) was reintroduced by Senators Graham and Durbin in the Senate this year to provide this pathway.
We call on our community to contact their members of Congress to rise to the urgency of the moment and to pass a bill like the Dream Act to protect individuals who have called this country their home their whole lives.
Click here to send a message to Congress.