Thank you AFGJ for this article
Please plan to attend a webinar with Nicaragua’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Denis Moncada on Thursday, September 23. Register here: or scroll to the end of NicaNotes for more information.
Stop US-Directed Regime Change in Nicaragua; Stop the RENACER Act!
Protesters gathered at the US Capitol to protest the RENACER Act. Photo: Scott Hagaman
[This article was first published in Popular Resistance on Sept. 14, 2021.]
On Monday, September 13, solidarity activists organized by Friends of Latin America, Casa Baltimore/Limay, Code Pink and Black Alliance for Peace protested outside the US Congress against the RENACER Act, which stands for the Orwellian title, “Reinforcing Nicaragua’s Adherence to Conditions for Electoral Reform.” The bill is part of the United States’ effort to undermine the presidential election in Nicaragua this November to prevent the Sandinista Party and its leader, President Daniel Ortega from being re-elected.
The RENACER Act would place more unilateral coercive economic measures (aka Sanctions) on Nicaragua, facilitate greater coordination of the US’ economic war on Nicaragua with Canada and the European Union, create stricter oversight of financial institutions doing business with Nicaragua and impose greater visa restrictions.
Speakers at the protest emphasized the need to stop the RENACER Act before it passes Congress, because afterwards it will be very hard to remove it. The best chance is to keep the House Financial Services Committee from approving it and sending it on to the House floor.
Please call the Committee Chairwoman, Maxine Waters (202-225-2201 or 323-757-8900 and pick the comment line). In your comment, urge Congresswoman Waters to oppose more sanctions on Nicaragua under the RENACER Act and to not approve or mark up the bill. After that, call the Financial Services Committee (202-225-4247) with the same message. Click here to read more and send an email to your Representative and to Rep. Waters:
Urgent Action Still Needed: No New Sanctions on Nicaragua, Say NO to Renacer!
Thank you for helping to stop the Renacer Act!
Scroll down to see short videos of the protest.
The action was organized by Friends of Latin America, Casa Baltimore/Limay, Code Pink and Black Alliance for Peace. Photo: Scott Hagaman
Here are tweets of short videos from the September 13th action at the Capitol:
The following has three short videos of Netfa Freeman and Barbara Larcom
The following video is of Leonardo Flores