Here is the link for the video:
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Both Daniel McCurdy and Nils McCune have chapters in these books:
Here is where you can download the ebook "The Revolution Won't be Stopped":
Here is where you can download the ebook "Live from Nicaragua: Uprising or Coup?":
Nicaragua provides the world with exemplary models of alternative economic development and popular economy. Please join the next Zoom webinar in our series, to learn more about this inspiring work from two key speakers: Nils McCune on the Popular Economy Daniel McCurdy on A Different Development and Tourism Sunday, January 24 12 Noon Pacific / 2 PM Nicaragua / 3 PM Eastern / 8 PM Greenwich (UK) Nils McCune has a Masters in Sustainable Agriculture from the Universidad Central de Las Villas in Cuba and a PhD in Ecology and Sustainable Development from El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) in Mexico. He has carried out research on agroecology, food systems education and alternative economies in Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua and Puerto Rico. He is currently a Research Associate at the University of Vermont, a Visiting Researcher at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) in Mexico, and the Regional Communications Specialist of La Vía Campesina North America. He is author of the chapter “Popular Economy: Nicaragua’s Anti-shock Therapy” from Live from Nicaragua: Uprising or Coup? (Alliance for Global Justice, 2019). Daniel McCurdy, a Nicaraguan, has degrees in Economics and Sustainable Territorial Development. Throughout his time in Palestine, France, Switzerland, the US and Nicaragua, his work has focused on issues of economic and social development and monetary policy. He is author of the chapter “Tourism in Nicaragua: Breaking with the Defunct Idea of Development” from The Revolution Won’t Be Stopped: Nicaragua Advances Despite US Unconventional Warfare (Alliance for Global Justice, 2020). Webinar sponsors: Alliance for Global Justice Casa Baltimore/Limay Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Chicago ALBA Solidarity Friends of Sandinista Nicaragua Friends of Latin America Task Force on the Americas (Additional organizational sponsors are welcome. Contact david@afgj.org if you’d like to sign on and help spread the word.)