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Why Peace is a Feminist Issue

Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Market Garden Brewery, 1947 W 25th St, Cleveland, OH 44113

Meghan Donovan, chair of Cleveland Peace Action's Advocacy Committee, will present “Why Peace is a Feminist Issue.” She will discuss war and militarism’s impact on women and girls; rape as a war crime; military sexual trauma; why permitting or requiring women to serve in combat is not a feminist act; and how women have been part of peace movements throughout history.

Meghan facilitates groups at the Norma Herr Women’s Center. Her professional background is in the legal and nonprofit fields.

Free and open to the public. Peace@ThePub is a monthly meeting featuring interesting conversation, camaraderie, food and drink.

Read more about Cleveland Peace Action here:

Cleveland Peace Action is a convergence of people committed to ending violence and promoting justice, through education, advocacy and action. Our current priorities include:

  • Ending wars and U.S. military interventions, replacing them with engagement and diplomacy, in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela and Iran.
  • Cutting Pentagon spending and redirecting those funds for human needs, such as education, housing, transportation and health care.
  • Peace with justice for all, in the Middle East and in particular, an end to the oppression of Palestinians.
  • Reducing and ultimately abolishing nuclear weapons worldwide.
  • Partnering with local groups to end violence and injustice in our communities.
  • Working for environmental justice and addressing global climate change.