Take Action to Close Guantánamo
January 11, 2023 marked a grim milestone; the 21st anniversary of the opening of the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Nearly 800 predominately Muslim men and boys have been held in indefinite detention at Guantánamo for years without trial, some of whom were tortured in violation of international law. Only two have ever been convicted of a crime. Hundreds of lives have been destroyed and recent stories have emerged of the continued punishment faced by these men even after they are released.
Today, at a cost of $540 million per year, thirty-five men remain imprisoned at Guantánamo. Twenty-three of these men have never been charged with a crime, and twenty have already been recommended for transfer. You can see the names of those who have been transferred or still held in detention here.
Last week, the United Church of Christ and other faith and human rights groups sent a letter to President Biden calling on him to fulfill his campaign promise and close the prison at Guantánamo. After 21 years, it is past time for the U.S. to close this symbol of illegal detention and state sponsored torture. Call on President Biden today to close Guantánamo and reaffirm our nation’s commitment to international law and human rights.
Link to take action: https://p2a.co/19uyAPv?inf_contact_key=986da34c138442bb8c9beb7d43904130d...